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Last modified: 2023-12-05 09:09:17.874995
Compiled: Tue Dec 5 09:14:26 2023



The Spectra package provides all the functionality required for annotation and identification workflows for untargeted LC-MS/MS data, but, while being very flexible and customizable, it might be too cumbersome for beginners or analysts not accustomed with R. To fill this gap we developed the MetaboAnnotation package that builds upon Spectra and provides functions for annotation of LC-MS and LC-MS/MS data sets tailored towards the less experienced R user (Rainer et al. 2022).

Convenient spectra matching using MetaboAnnotation

In this example use case we match experimental MS2 spectra from a DDA experiment on a pesticide mix against reference spectra from MassBank. Below we load the experimental data file which is distributed via the msdata R package.


#' Load the pesticide mix data
fl <- system.file("TripleTOF-SWATH", "PestMix1_DDA.mzML", package = "msdata")
pest <- Spectra(fl)

We next restrict the data set to MS2 spectra only and in addition clean these spectra by removing all peaks from a spectrum that have an intensity lower than 5% of the largest peak intensity of that spectrum. Finally, single-peak spectra are removed.

#' restrict to MS2 data and remove intensities with intensity lower 5%
pest <- filterMsLevel(pest, msLevel = 2L)

#' Remove peaks with an intensity below 5% or the spectra's BPC
low_int <- function(x, ...) {
    x > max(x, na.rm = TRUE) * 0.05
pest <- filterIntensity(pest, intensity = low_int)

#' Remove peaks with a single peak
pest <- pest[lengths(pest) > 1]

This leads to a data set consisting of 2451 spectra. We next connect to a MassBank database (running within this docker image) and create a Spectra object representing that data.


#' Connect to the MassBank MySQL database
con <- dbConnect(MariaDB(), user = "massbank", dbname = "MassBank",
                 host = "localhost", pass = "massbank")
mbank <- Spectra(con, source = MsBackendMassbankSql())

Alternatively, if no MySQL database system is available or if this tutorial can not be run within docker, an SQLite database version of the MassBank data (in the format required for MsBackendMassbankSql is available here. After downloading the database MassbankSql-2021-03.db to the current R workspace, the resource can be loaded with:

## Alternative to the MySQL server - assuming the SQLite database was
## stored to the R working directory.
con <- dbConnect(SQLite(), "MassbankSql-2021-03.db")
mbank <- Spectra(con, source = MsBackendMassbankSql())

We could now directly calculate similarities between the 2451 experimental (query) MS2 spectra and the 86576 MassBank reference (target) spectra using the compareSpectra method, but this would be computationally very intense because a similarity score would be calculated between each query and each target spectrum. As alternative we use here the matchSpectra function from the MetaboAnnotation package that allows to restrict similarity calculations between query and target spectra with similar m/z of their precursor ion or have a similar retention time.

Below we create a CompareSpectraParam object setting parameter requirePrecursor = TRUE (to restrict similarity calculations only to query and target spectra with a similar precursor m/z) and ppm = 10 (m/z difference between the query and target precursor has to be within 10 ppm). Parameter THRESHFUN enables to define a threshold function that defines which spectra are considered matching. With the function used below only MS2 spectra with a similarity (calculated with the default dotproduct function) larger or equal to 0.8 are considered matching.

prm <- CompareSpectraParam(ppm = 10, requirePrecursor = TRUE,
                           THRESHFUN = function(x) which(x >= 0.8))

We next call matchSpectra with this parameter object and pass pest and mbank as query and target Spectra, respectively. This takes approximately 1 minute to complete, which is not tremendously fast, but still much faster than a pairwise comparison between all query and target spectra would be.

mtch <- matchSpectra(pest, mbank, param = prm)
## Object of class MatchedSpectra 
## Total number of matches: 78 
## Number of query objects: 2451 (29 matched)
## Number of target objects: 86576 (47 matched)

As a result we get a MatchedSpectra object that contains the query and target spectra as well as the matching result (i.e. the information which query spectrum matches with which target spectrum based on what similarity score). We can use the query and target functions to access the query and target Spectra objects and matches to extract the matching information. Below we display the first 6 rows of that matrix.

##   query_idx target_idx     score
## 1       163      31941 0.9264249
## 2       163      32022 0.9264249
## 3       163      32214 0.9264249
## 4       163      32508 0.9264249
## 5       163      32667 0.9264249
## 6       163      32900 0.9264249

Functions whichQuery and whichTarget return the (unique) indices of the query and target spectra that could be matched.

##  [1]  163  320  420  433  493  496  497  571  682  685  686  805  806  809  810
## [16]  819  829  983 1095 1454 1457 1706 1830 1834 1839 1906 2047 2048 2050

As we can see only few of the query spectra (29 of the 2451 spectra) could be matched. This is in part because for a large proportion spectra in MassBank no precursor m/z is available and with requirePrecursor = TRUE these are not considered in the similarity calculation. Setting requirePrecursor = FALSE would calculate a similarity between all spectra (even those with missing precursor information) but calculations can take up to several hours.

## [1] 24498

The MatchedSpectra object inherits much of the functionality of a Spectra object. spectraVariables returns for example all the available spectra variables, from both the query as well as the target Spectra. The variable names of the latter are prefixed with target_ to discriminate them from the variable names of the query.

##  [1] "msLevel"                        "rtime"                         
##  [3] "acquisitionNum"                 "scanIndex"                     
##  [5] "dataStorage"                    "dataOrigin"                    
##  [7] "centroided"                     "smoothed"                      
##  [9] "polarity"                       "precScanNum"                   
## [11] "precursorMz"                    "precursorIntensity"            
## [13] "precursorCharge"                "collisionEnergy"               
## [15] "isolationWindowLowerMz"         "isolationWindowTargetMz"       
## [17] "isolationWindowUpperMz"         "peaksCount"                    
## [19] "totIonCurrent"                  "basePeakMZ"                    
## [21] "basePeakIntensity"              "ionisationEnergy"              
## [23] "lowMZ"                          "highMZ"                        
## [25] "mergedScan"                     "mergedResultScanNum"           
## [27] "mergedResultStartScanNum"       "mergedResultEndScanNum"        
## [29] "injectionTime"                  "filterString"                  
## [31] "spectrumId"                     "ionMobilityDriftTime"          
## [33] "scanWindowLowerLimit"           "scanWindowUpperLimit"          
## [35] "target_msLevel"                 "target_rtime"                  
## [37] "target_acquisitionNum"          "target_scanIndex"              
## [39] "target_dataStorage"             "target_dataOrigin"             
## [41] "target_centroided"              "target_smoothed"               
## [43] "target_polarity"                "target_precScanNum"            
## [45] "target_precursorMz"             "target_precursorIntensity"     
## [47] "target_precursorCharge"         "target_collisionEnergy"        
## [49] "target_isolationWindowLowerMz"  "target_isolationWindowTargetMz"
## [51] "target_isolationWindowUpperMz"  "target_spectrum_id"            
## [53] "target_spectrum_name"           "target_date"                   
## [55] "target_authors"                 "target_license"                
## [57] "target_copyright"               "target_publication"            
## [59] "target_splash"                  "target_compound_id"            
## [61] "target_adduct"                  "target_ionization"             
## [63] "target_ionization_voltage"      "target_fragmentation_mode"     
## [65] "target_collision_energy_text"   "target_instrument"             
## [67] "target_instrument_type"         "target_formula"                
## [69] "target_exactmass"               "target_smiles"                 
## [71] "target_inchi"                   "target_inchikey"               
## [73] "target_cas"                     "target_pubchem"                
## [75] "target_synonym"                 "target_precursor_mz_text"      
## [77] "target_compound_name"           "score"

We can access spectra individual variables using $ and the variable name, or multiple variables with the spectraData function. Below we extract the retention time, the precursor m/z of the query spectrum, the precursor m/z of the target spectrum as well as the similarity score from the object using the spectraData function.

spectraData(mtch, c("rtime", "precursorMz", "target_precursorMz", "score"))
## DataFrame with 2500 rows and 4 columns
##          rtime precursorMz target_precursorMz     score
##      <numeric>   <numeric>          <numeric> <numeric>
## 1        7.216    137.9639                 NA        NA
## 2       13.146     56.9419                 NA        NA
## 3       13.556     89.9449                 NA        NA
## 4       23.085    207.0294                 NA        NA
## 5       27.385    121.0990                 NA        NA
## ...        ...         ...                ...       ...
## 2496   895.182    137.9850                 NA        NA
## 2497   895.472     56.0495                 NA        NA
## 2498   896.252    142.9611                 NA        NA
## 2499   896.662     53.0129                 NA        NA
## 2500   898.602     91.5022                 NA        NA

The returned DataFrame contains the matching information for the full data set, i.e. of each query spectrum and hence, returns NA values for query spectra that could not be matched with a target spectrum. Note also that query spectra matching multiple target spectra are represented by multiple rows (one for each matching target spectrum).

Here we’re only interested in query spectra for which a match was found and thus we subset the MatchedSpectra to query spectra with a matching target spectrum.

mtch <- mtch[whichQuery(mtch)]

Subsetting of MatchedSpectra is always relative to the query, i.e. subsetting an object with an index 4 would restrict the object to only the matching results for the 4th query spectrum.

We now extract the matching information after subsetting:

spectraData(mtch, c("rtime", "precursorMz", "target_precursorMz", "score"))
## DataFrame with 78 rows and 4 columns
##         rtime precursorMz target_precursorMz     score
##     <numeric>   <numeric>          <numeric> <numeric>
## 1     173.184     305.156            305.157  0.926425
## 2     173.184     305.156            305.157  0.926425
## 3     173.184     305.156            305.157  0.926425
## 4     173.184     305.156            305.157  0.926425
## 5     173.184     305.156            305.157  0.926425
## ...       ...         ...                ...       ...
## 74    527.419     279.156            279.159  0.814331
## 75    527.419     279.156            279.159  0.822396
## 76    570.096     373.039            373.041  0.934031
## 77    570.506     373.042            373.041  0.888829
## 78    570.825     373.040            373.041  0.827892

We can also return the compound names for the matching spectra.

pandoc.table(style = "rmarkdown",, c("rtime", "target_compound_name",
rtime target_compound_name score
173.2 Hexaethylene glycol 0.9264
173.2 Hexaethylene glycol 0.9264
173.2 Hexaethylene glycol 0.9264
173.2 Hexaethylene glycol 0.9264
173.2 Hexaethylene glycol 0.9264
173.2 Hexaethylene glycol 0.9264
266.4 Triacetin 0.8046
320 SPI_270.2429_14.9 0.9656
326.7 Lenacil 0.8067
326.7 Lenacil 0.8225
326.7 Lenacil 0.8205
338.5 Azaconazole 0.8943
338.9 Azaconazole 0.8179
338.9 Azaconazole 0.905
339.3 Azaconazole 0.9017
353.5 Fosthiazate 0.8962
353.5 Fosthiazate 0.8689
361.7 Azaconazole 0.9002
362.3 Azaconazole 0.8949
362.6 Azaconazole 0.8925
377.7 triphenylphosphineoxide 0.9025
377.7 triphenylphosphineoxide 0.8801
377.7 Triphenylphosphine oxide 0.8563
378.1 N,N-Dimethyldodecylamine 0.8195
378.9 Dimethachlor 0.8086
378.9 Dimethachlor 0.8623
378.9 Dimethachlor 0.8447
378.9 Dimethachlor 0.8627
378.9 Dimethachlor 0.8391
379 Triphenylphosphine oxide 0.8081
379 triphenylphosphineoxide 0.8743
379 triphenylphosphineoxide 0.8491
379 Triphenylphosphine oxide 0.8851
382 Dimethachlor 0.844
382 Dimethachlor 0.8923
382 Dimethachlor 0.8596
382 Dimethachlor 0.8922
382 Dimethachlor 0.8547
384.5 Dimethachlor 0.8457
384.5 Dimethachlor 0.8966
384.5 Dimethachlor 0.8625
384.5 Dimethachlor 0.8963
384.5 Dimethachlor 0.8573
405.1 Cyproconazole 0.8145
405.1 Cyproconazole 0.8357
405.1 Cyproconazole (CP) 0.8262
414.6 Tris(1-chloro-2-propyl)phosphate 0.8613
452.9 Flufenacet 0.8464
452.9 Flufenacet 0.9146
452.9 Flufenacet 0.8042
452.9 Flufenacet 0.9388
452.9 Flufenacet 0.8483
452.9 Flufenacet 0.8517
452.9 Flufenacet 0.865
452.9 Flufenacet 0.863
452.9 Flufenacet 0.8011
453.3 Flufenacet 0.9033
453.3 Flufenacet 0.9066
453.3 Flufenacet 0.8807
453.3 Flufenacet 0.8828
453.3 Flufenacet 0.9333
453.3 Flufenacet 0.9288
453.3 Flufenacet 0.8397
490.7 Tri-isobutylphosphate 0.8907
490.7 Tri-isobutyl phosphate 0.8871
506.8 Diflufenican 0.848
506.8 Diflufenican 0.8604
507.3 Diflufenican 0.8416
507.3 Diflufenican 0.8524
507.7 Diflufenican 0.8591
507.7 Diflufenican 0.8707
527.4 Dibutyl phthalate 0.818
527.4 Dibutyl phthalate 0.8847
527.4 Di-n-butyl phthalate 0.8143
527.4 Di-n-butyl phthalate 0.8224
570.1 Proquinazid 0.934
570.5 Proquinazid 0.8888
570.8 Proquinazid 0.8279

The matchSpectra enables thus to perform convenient spectra matching between MS data represented as Spectra objects. As a result, a MatchedSpectra object is returned that, in addition to the matching results, contains also the query and target spectra. Pre-filtering the spectra prior to the actual spectra similarity calculation can reduce the running time of a matchSpectra call but might also miss some potential matches. Note that in addition to the precursor m/z-based pre-filter also retention time pre-filtering would be available (see ?matchSpectra for more information). Also, a more advanced matching approach would be available with the MatchForwardReverseParam that calculates in addition to the forward score also a reverse similarity for each match.

MS2 spectra matching in an xcms workflow

In LC-MS/MS-based untargeted metabolomics (or small compound mass spectrometry experiments in general) quantification of the compounds is performed in MS1 while the MS2 data is used for identification of the features. Quantification of MS1 data requires a chromatographic peak detection step which can be performed using the functionality from the xcms package. Below we load thus the xcms package and import the full MS data using the readMSData function.

pest_all <- readMSData(fl, mode = "onDisk")

We next perform the chromatographic peak detection using the centWave algorithm (see the LC-MS/MS data analysis with xcms vignette from the xcms package for details on the chromatographic peak detection settings).

cwp <- CentWaveParam(snthresh = 5, noise = 100, ppm = 10,
                     peakwidth = c(3, 30))
pest_all <- findChromPeaks(pest_all, param = cwp)

In total 99 chromatographic peaks have been identified. Below we display the first 6 of them.

##            mz    mzmin    mzmax      rt   rtmin   rtmax       into      intb
## CP01 142.9926 142.9921 142.9931 130.615 125.856 134.241  1113.8028  1106.229
## CP02 221.0918 221.0906 221.0925 240.897 236.657 246.984   756.6935   744.779
## CP03 220.0985 220.0978 220.0988 240.897 237.187 246.327  2060.5921  2052.549
## CP04 219.0957 219.0950 219.0962 241.018 236.253 246.327 15172.6662 15133.811
## CP05 153.0659 153.0655 153.0663 330.591 325.373 334.400  2148.7134  2141.943
## CP06 235.1447 235.1441 235.1454 330.591 326.431 334.400  2836.2675  2829.627
##           maxo  sn sample
## CP01  346.7006 102      1
## CP02  212.5239  21      1
## CP03  585.3036 151      1
## CP04 4877.1162 367      1
## CP05  784.9196 114      1
## CP06 1006.9720 110      1

We can now extract all MS2 spectra for each chromatographic peak with the chromPeakSpectra function. This function identifies all MS2 spectra recorded by the instrument with a retention time within the retention time and with a precursor m/z within the m/z boundaries of the chromatographic peak. By setting return.type = "Spectra" we ensure that the data is being returned in the newer Spectra format hence enabling the simplified spectra matching with the functionality presented here.

pest_ms2 <- chromPeakSpectra(pest_all, return.type = "Spectra")
## MSn data (Spectra) with 158 spectra in a MsBackendMzR backend:
##            msLevel     rtime scanIndex
##          <integer> <numeric> <integer>
## F1.S1000         2   128.237      1000
## F1.S1008         2   128.737      1008
## F1.S1023         2   129.857      1023
## F1.S1812         2   237.869      1812
## F1.S1846         2   241.299      1846
## ...            ...       ...       ...
## F1.S5115         2   575.255      5115
## F1.S5272         2   596.584      5272
## F1.S5236         2   592.424      5236
## F1.S5266         2   596.054      5266
## F1.S7344         2   873.714      7344
##  ... 38 more variables/columns.
## file(s):
## PestMix1_DDA.mzML

Spectra variable peak_id contains the identified of the chromatographic peak (i.e. its row name in chromPeaks).

##   [1] "CP01" "CP01" "CP01" "CP04" "CP04" "CP05" "CP05" "CP06" "CP06" "CP08"
##  [11] "CP08" "CP11" "CP11" "CP12" "CP12" "CP13" "CP13" "CP13" "CP13" "CP14"
##  [21] "CP14" "CP14" "CP14" "CP18" "CP22" "CP22" "CP22" "CP22" "CP22" "CP25"
##  [31] "CP25" "CP25" "CP25" "CP25" "CP26" "CP26" "CP26" "CP26" "CP26" "CP26"
##  [41] "CP33" "CP33" "CP34" "CP34" "CP34" "CP34" "CP34" "CP35" "CP35" "CP35"
##  [51] "CP35" "CP35" "CP36" "CP41" "CP41" "CP41" "CP42" "CP42" "CP42" "CP42"
##  [61] "CP42" "CP44" "CP44" "CP46" "CP46" "CP46" "CP46" "CP47" "CP47" "CP47"
##  [71] "CP48" "CP48" "CP48" "CP50" "CP51" "CP51" "CP51" "CP52" "CP52" "CP52"
##  [81] "CP53" "CP53" "CP53" "CP53" "CP53" "CP57" "CP57" "CP57" "CP57" "CP57"
##  [91] "CP59" "CP59" "CP60" "CP60" "CP61" "CP61" "CP63" "CP63" "CP63" "CP63"
## [101] "CP64" "CP64" "CP64" "CP64" "CP64" "CP65" "CP66" "CP66" "CP66" "CP66"
## [111] "CP67" "CP67" "CP67" "CP69" "CP69" "CP69" "CP71" "CP71" "CP71" "CP71"
## [121] "CP72" "CP72" "CP72" "CP73" "CP81" "CP81" "CP81" "CP81" "CP82" "CP82"
## [131] "CP82" "CP85" "CP85" "CP88" "CP88" "CP89" "CP89" "CP89" "CP90" "CP90"
## [141] "CP90" "CP91" "CP91" "CP91" "CP93" "CP93" "CP93" "CP93" "CP93" "CP93"
## [151] "CP94" "CP94" "CP94" "CP94" "CP95" "CP98" "CP98" "CP99"

We next, like in the previous section, clean up the spectra removing peaks with an intensity below 5% of the largest peak intensity per spectrum and removing spectra with a single peak.

#' Remove peaks with an intensity below 5%
pest_ms2 <- filterIntensity(pest_ms2, intensity = low_int)

#' Remove peaks with a single peak
pest_ms2 <- pest_ms2[lengths(pest_ms2) > 1]

In addition we scale also the intensities within each MS2 spectrum by replacing them with intensities relative to the maximum peak intensity (see here for more information). In addition to the query spectra, we also normalize the MassBank spectra in the same way.

#' Define a function to *normalize* the intensities
norm_int <- function(x, ...) {
    maxint <- max(x[, "intensity"], na.rm = TRUE)
    x[, "intensity"] <- 100 * x[, "intensity"] / maxint
#' *Apply* the function to the data
pest_ms2 <- addProcessing(pest_ms2, norm_int)
mbank <- addProcessing(mbank, norm_int)

Next we perform now the spectra matching with the same parameters as in the previous section.

pest_match <- matchSpectra(pest_ms2, mbank, param = prm)
## Object of class MatchedSpectra 
## Total number of matches: 31 
## Number of query objects: 155 (7 matched)
## Number of target objects: 86576 (19 matched)

Again, we restrict the MatchedSpectra to query spectra which could be matched.

pest_match <- pest_match[whichQuery(pest_match)]

The table below lists the compound names of matching spectra for the chromatographic peaks.

    style = "rmarkdown",, c("peak_id", "rtime",
  peak_id rtime target_compound_name
F1.S2860 CP18 362.6 Azaconazole
F1.S3061 CP25 382 Dimethachlor
F1.S3061.1 CP25 382 Dimethachlor
F1.S3061.2 CP25 382 Dimethachlor
F1.S3061.3 CP25 382 Dimethachlor
F1.S3061.4 CP25 382 Dimethachlor
F1.S3080 CP25 384.5 Dimethachlor
F1.S3080.1 CP25 384.5 Dimethachlor
F1.S3080.2 CP25 384.5 Dimethachlor
F1.S3080.3 CP25 384.5 Dimethachlor
F1.S3080.4 CP25 384.5 Dimethachlor
F1.S3314 CP42 405.1 Cyproconazole
F1.S3314.1 CP42 405.1 Cyproconazole
F1.S3314.2 CP42 405.1 Cyproconazole (CP)
F1.S3968 CP67 452.9 Flufenacet
F1.S3968.1 CP67 452.9 Flufenacet
F1.S3968.2 CP67 452.9 Flufenacet
F1.S3968.3 CP67 452.9 Flufenacet
F1.S3968.4 CP67 452.9 Flufenacet
F1.S3968.5 CP67 452.9 Flufenacet
F1.S3968.6 CP67 452.9 Flufenacet
F1.S3968.7 CP67 452.9 Flufenacet
F1.S3968.8 CP67 452.9 Flufenacet
F1.S3972 CP67 453.3 Flufenacet
F1.S3972.1 CP67 453.3 Flufenacet
F1.S3972.2 CP67 453.3 Flufenacet
F1.S3972.3 CP67 453.3 Flufenacet
F1.S3972.4 CP67 453.3 Flufenacet
F1.S3972.5 CP67 453.3 Flufenacet
F1.S3972.6 CP67 453.3 Flufenacet
F1.S5077 CP94 570.5 Proquinazid

We can also directly plot matching (query and target) spectra against each other using the plotSpectraMirror function subsetting the MatchedSpectra object to the query spectrum of interest. Below we plot the third query spectrum against all of its matching target spectra.


Summarizing, with the chromPeakSpectra and the featureSpectra functions, xcms allows to return MS data as Spectra objects which enables, as shown in this simple example, to perform MS2 spectra matching using the Spectra as well as the MetaboAnnotation packages hence simplifying MS/MS-based annotation of LC-MS features from xcms.

Session information

## R version 4.3.2 (2023-10-31)
## Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
## Running under: Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS
## Matrix products: default
## BLAS:   /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openblas-pthread/ 
## LAPACK: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openblas-pthread/;  LAPACK version 3.10.0
## locale:
##  [1] LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C              
##  [3] LC_TIME=en_US.UTF-8        LC_COLLATE=en_US.UTF-8    
##  [5] LC_MONETARY=en_US.UTF-8    LC_MESSAGES=en_US.UTF-8   
##  [7] LC_PAPER=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NAME=C                 
##  [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C            
## time zone: Etc/UTC
## tzcode source: system (glibc)
## attached base packages:
## [1] stats4    stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods  
## [8] base     
## other attached packages:
##  [1] xcms_4.0.0               MSnbase_2.28.1           mzR_2.36.0              
##  [4] Rcpp_1.0.11              Biobase_2.62.0           MetaboAnnotation_1.6.1  
##  [7] MsBackendMassbank_1.11.1 RMariaDB_1.3.1           pander_0.6.5            
## [10] Spectra_1.12.0           ProtGenerics_1.34.0      BiocParallel_1.36.0     
## [13] S4Vectors_0.40.2         BiocGenerics_0.48.1      BiocStyle_2.30.0        
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
##   [1] splines_4.3.2                 later_1.3.1                  
##   [3] bitops_1.0-7                  filelock_1.0.2               
##   [5] tibble_3.2.1                  preprocessCore_1.64.0        
##   [7] XML_3.99-0.16                 lifecycle_1.0.4              
##   [9] doParallel_1.0.17             rprojroot_2.0.4              
##  [11] lattice_0.22-5                MASS_7.3-60                  
##  [13] MultiAssayExperiment_1.28.0   magrittr_2.0.3               
##  [15] limma_3.58.1                  sass_0.4.7                   
##  [17] rmarkdown_2.25                jquerylib_0.1.4              
##  [19] yaml_2.3.7                    httpuv_1.6.12                
##  [21] MsCoreUtils_1.14.1            DBI_1.1.3                    
##  [23] RColorBrewer_1.1-3            lubridate_1.9.3              
##  [25] abind_1.4-5                   zlibbioc_1.48.0              
##  [27] GenomicRanges_1.54.1          purrr_1.0.2                  
##  [29] AnnotationFilter_1.26.0       RCurl_1.98-1.13              
##  [31] rappdirs_0.3.3                GenomeInfoDbData_1.2.11      
##  [33] IRanges_2.36.0                pkgdown_2.0.7                
##  [35] ncdf4_1.22                    codetools_0.2-19             
##  [37] CompoundDb_1.6.0              DelayedArray_0.28.0          
##  [39] DT_0.30                       xml2_1.3.6                   
##  [41] tidyselect_1.2.0              matrixStats_1.1.0            
##  [43] BiocFileCache_2.10.1          base64enc_0.1-3              
##  [45] jsonlite_1.8.8                multtest_2.58.0              
##  [47] ellipsis_0.3.2                survival_3.5-7               
##  [49] iterators_1.0.14              systemfonts_1.0.5            
##  [51] foreach_1.5.2                 tools_4.3.2                  
##  [53] progress_1.2.2                ragg_1.2.6                   
##  [55] glue_1.6.2                    gridExtra_2.3                
##  [57] SparseArray_1.2.2             xfun_0.41                    
##  [59] MatrixGenerics_1.14.0         GenomeInfoDb_1.38.1          
##  [61] dplyr_1.1.4                   BiocManager_1.30.22          
##  [63] fastmap_1.1.1                 fansi_1.0.5                  
##  [65] digest_0.6.33                 timechange_0.2.0             
##  [67] R6_2.5.1                      mime_0.12                    
##  [69] textshaping_0.3.7             colorspace_2.1-0             
##  [71] rsvg_2.6.0                    RSQLite_2.3.3                
##  [73] utf8_1.2.4                    generics_0.1.3               
##  [75] robustbase_0.99-1             prettyunits_1.2.0            
##  [77] httr_1.4.7                    htmlwidgets_1.6.3            
##  [79] S4Arrays_1.2.0                pkgconfig_2.0.3              
##  [81] gtable_0.3.4                  blob_1.2.4                   
##  [83] impute_1.76.0                 MassSpecWavelet_1.68.0       
##  [85] XVector_0.42.0                htmltools_0.5.7              
##  [87] MALDIquant_1.22.1             clue_0.3-65                  
##  [89] scales_1.3.0                  png_0.1-8                    
##  [91] knitr_1.45                    MetaboCoreUtils_1.10.0       
##  [93] rjson_0.2.21                  curl_5.1.0                   
##  [95] cachem_1.0.8                  stringr_1.5.1                
##  [97] BiocVersion_3.18.1            parallel_4.3.2               
##  [99] AnnotationDbi_1.64.1          mzID_1.40.0                  
## [101] vsn_3.70.0                    desc_1.4.2                   
## [103] pillar_1.9.0                  grid_4.3.2                   
## [105] vctrs_0.6.5                   MsFeatures_1.10.0            
## [107] RANN_2.6.1                    pcaMethods_1.94.0            
## [109] promises_1.2.1                dbplyr_2.4.0                 
## [111] xtable_1.8-4                  cluster_2.1.6                
## [113] evaluate_0.23                 cli_3.6.1                    
## [115] compiler_4.3.2                rlang_1.1.2                  
## [117] crayon_1.5.2                  QFeatures_1.12.0             
## [119] ChemmineR_3.54.0              affy_1.80.0                  
## [121] plyr_1.8.9                    fs_1.6.3                     
## [123] stringi_1.8.2                 munsell_0.5.0                
## [125] Biostrings_2.70.1             lazyeval_0.2.2               
## [127] Matrix_1.6-4                  hms_1.1.3                    
## [129] MsExperiment_1.4.0            bit64_4.0.5                  
## [131] ggplot2_3.4.4                 KEGGREST_1.42.0              
## [133] statmod_1.5.0                 shiny_1.8.0                  
## [135] highr_0.10                    SummarizedExperiment_1.32.0  
## [137] interactiveDisplayBase_1.40.0 AnnotationHub_3.10.0         
## [139] igraph_1.5.1                  memoise_2.0.1                
## [141] affyio_1.72.0                 bslib_0.6.1                  
## [143] DEoptimR_1.1-3                bit_4.0.5


Rainer, Johannes, Andrea Vicini, Liesa Salzer, Jan Stanstrup, Josep M. Badia, Steffen Neumann, Michael A. Stravs, et al. 2022. “A Modular and Expandable Ecosystem for Metabolomics Data Annotation in R.” Metabolites 12 (2): 173.