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Last modified: 2023-12-05 09:09:17.874995
Compiled: Tue Dec 5 09:13:59 2023


Mass spectrometry (MS) data is a key technology in modern metabolomics and proteomics experiments. Continuous improvements in MS instrumentation, larger experiments and new technological developments lead to ever growing data sizes and increased number of available variables making standard in-memory data handling and processing difficult.

The Spectra package provides a modern infrastructure for MS data handling specifically designed to enable extension to additional data resources or alternative data representations. These can be realized by extending the virtual MsBackend class and its related methods. Implementations of such MsBackend classes can be tailored for specific needs, such as low memory footprint, fast processing, remote data access, or also support for specific additional data types or variables. Importantly, data processing of Spectra objects is independent of the backend in use due to a lazy evaluation mechanism that caches data manipulations internally.

This workshop discusses different available data representations for MS data along with their properties, advantages and performances. In addition, Spectra’s concept of lazy evaluation for data manipulations is presented, as well as a simple caching mechanism for data modifications. Finally, it explains how new MsBackend instances can be implemented and tested to ensure compliance.


This workshop/tutorial assumes that readers are familiar with mass spectrometry data. See the LC-MS/MS in a nutshell section of the Seamless Integration of Mass Spectrometry Data from Different Sources vignette in this package for a general introduction to MS.


  • Basic familiarity with R and Bioconductor.
  • Basic understanding of Mass Spectrometry (MS) data.


  • Get the docker image of this tutorial with docker pull jorainer/spectra_tutorials:latest.

  • Start docker using

    docker run \
        -e PASSWORD=bioc \
        -p 8787:8787 \
  • Enter http://localhost:8787 in a web browser and log in with username rstudio and password bioc.

  • Open this R-markdown file (vignettes/Spectra-backends.Rmd) in the RStudio server version in the web browser and evaluate the R code blocks.

R/Bioconductor packages used

Workshop goals and objectives

This is a technical demonstration of the internals of the Spectra package and the design of its MS infrastructure. We’re not demonstrating any use cases or analysis workflows here.

Learning goals

  • Understand how MS data is handled with Spectra.
  • Understand differences and properties of different MsBackend implementations.

Learning objectives

  • Learn how MS data is handled with Spectra.
  • Understand which data representations/backends fit which purpose/use case.
  • Insights into the internals of the Spectra MS infrastructure to facilitate implementation of own backend(s).


The Spectra package

  • Purpose: provide an expandable, well tested and user-friendly infrastructure for mass spectrometry (MS) data.
  • Design: separation of code representing the main user interface and code to provide, store and read MS data.
Spectra: separation into user functionality and data representation
Spectra: separation into user functionality and data representation
  • Spectra: main interface for the end user.
  • MsBackend: defines how and where data is stored and how it is managed.
  • Why?:
    • the user does not need to care about where or how the data is stored.
    • the same functionality can be applied to MS data, regardless of where and how the data is stored.
    • enables specialized data storage/representation options: remote data, low memory footprint, high performance.

Creating and using Spectra objects

MS data consists of duplets of mass-to-charge (m/z) and intensity values along with potential additional information, such as the MS level, retention time, polarity etc. In its simplest form, MS data consists thus of two (aligned) numeric vectors with the m/z and intensity values and an e.g. data.frame containing potential additional annotations for a MS spectrum. In Spectra terminology, "mz" and "intensity" are called peak variables (because they provide information on individual mass peaks), and all other annotations spectra variables (usually being a single value per spectrum).

Below we define m/z and intensity values for a mass spectrum as well as a data.frame with additional spectra variables.

#' Define simple MS data
mz <- c(56.0494, 69.0447, 83.0603, 109.0395, 110.0712,
        111.0551, 123.0429, 138.0662, 195.0876)
int <- c(0.459, 2.585, 2.446, 0.508, 8.968, 0.524, 0.974, 100.0, 40.994)

sv <- data.frame(msLevel = 1L, polarity = 1L)

This would be a basic representation of MS data in R. For obvious reasons it is however better to store such data in a single container than keeping it in separate, unrelated, variables. We thus create below a Spectra object from this MS data. Spectra objects can be created with the Spectra constructor function that accepts (among other possibilities) a data.frame with the full MS data as input. Each row in that data.frame is expected to contain data from one spectrum. We therefore need to add the m/z and intensity values as a list of numerical vectors to our data frame.


#' wrap m/z and intensities into a list and add them to the data.frame
sv$mz <- list(mz)
sv$intensity <- list(int)

#' Create a `Spectra` object from the data.
s <- Spectra(sv)
## MSn data (Spectra) with 1 spectra in a MsBackendMemory backend:
##     msLevel     rtime scanIndex
##   <integer> <numeric> <integer>
## 1         1        NA        NA
##  ... 16 more variables/columns.

We have now created a Spectra object representing our toy MS data. Individual spectra variables can be accessed with either $ and the name of the spectra variable, or with one of the dedicated accessor functions.

#' Access the MS level spectra variable
## [1] 1
## [1] 1

Also, while we provided only the spectra variables "msLevel" and "polarity" with out input data frame, more variables are available by default for a Spectra object. These are called core spectra variables and they can always be extracted from a Spectra object, even if they are not defined (in which case missing values are returned). Spectra variables available from a Spectra object can be listed with the spectraVariables function:

#' List all available spectra variables
##  [1] "msLevel"                 "rtime"                  
##  [3] "acquisitionNum"          "scanIndex"              
##  [5] "dataStorage"             "dataOrigin"             
##  [7] "centroided"              "smoothed"               
##  [9] "polarity"                "precScanNum"            
## [11] "precursorMz"             "precursorIntensity"     
## [13] "precursorCharge"         "collisionEnergy"        
## [15] "isolationWindowLowerMz"  "isolationWindowTargetMz"
## [17] "isolationWindowUpperMz"
#' Extract the retention time spectra variable
## [1] NA

We’ve now got a Spectra object representing a single MS spectrum - but, as the name of the class implies, it is actually designed to represent data from multiple mass spectra (possibly from a whole experiment). Below we thus define again a data.frame, this time with 3 rows, and create a Spectra object from that. Also, we define some additional spectra variables providing the name and ID of the compounds the MS2 (fragment) spectrum represents.

#' Define spectra variables for 3 MS spectra.
sv <- data.frame(
    msLevel = c(2L, 2L, 2L),
    polarity = c(1L, 1L, 1L),
    id = c("HMDB0000001", "HMDB0000001", "HMDB0001847"),
    name = c("1-Methylhistidine", "1-Methylhistidine", "Caffeine"))

#' Assign m/z and intensity values.
sv$mz <- list(
    c(109.2, 124.2, 124.5, 170.16, 170.52),
    c(83.1, 96.12, 97.14, 109.14, 124.08, 125.1, 170.16),
    c(56.0494, 69.0447, 83.0603, 109.0395, 110.0712,
      111.0551, 123.0429, 138.0662, 195.0876))
sv$intensity <- list(
    c(3.407, 47.494, 3.094, 100.0, 13.240),
    c(6.685, 4.381, 3.022, 16.708, 100.0, 4.565, 40.643),
    c(0.459, 2.585, 2.446, 0.508, 8.968, 0.524, 0.974, 100.0, 40.994))

#' Create a Spectra from this data.
s <- Spectra(sv)
## MSn data (Spectra) with 3 spectra in a MsBackendMemory backend:
##     msLevel     rtime scanIndex
##   <integer> <numeric> <integer>
## 1         2        NA        NA
## 2         2        NA        NA
## 3         2        NA        NA
##  ... 18 more variables/columns.

Now we have a Spectra object representing 3 mass spectra and a set of spectra and peak variables.

#' List available spectra and peaks variables.
##  [1] "msLevel"                 "rtime"                  
##  [3] "acquisitionNum"          "scanIndex"              
##  [5] "dataStorage"             "dataOrigin"             
##  [7] "centroided"              "smoothed"               
##  [9] "polarity"                "precScanNum"            
## [11] "precursorMz"             "precursorIntensity"     
## [13] "precursorCharge"         "collisionEnergy"        
## [15] "isolationWindowLowerMz"  "isolationWindowTargetMz"
## [17] "isolationWindowUpperMz"  "id"                     
## [19] "name"
## [1] "mz"        "intensity"

Spectra are organized linearly, i.e., one after the other. Thus, our Spectra has a length of 3 with each element being one spectrum. Subsetting works as for any other R object:

## [1] 3
#' Extract the 2nd spectrum
## MSn data (Spectra) with 1 spectra in a MsBackendMemory backend:
##     msLevel     rtime scanIndex
##   <integer> <numeric> <integer>
## 1         2        NA        NA
##  ... 18 more variables/columns.

A Spectra behaves similar to a data.frame with elements (rows) being individual spectra and columns being the spectra (or peaks) variables, that can be accessed with the $ operator.

## [1] 2 2 2

Similar to a data.frame we can also add new spectra variables (columns) using $<-.

#' Add a new spectra variable.
s$new_variable <- c("a", "b", "c")
##  [1] "msLevel"                 "rtime"                  
##  [3] "acquisitionNum"          "scanIndex"              
##  [5] "dataStorage"             "dataOrigin"             
##  [7] "centroided"              "smoothed"               
##  [9] "polarity"                "precScanNum"            
## [11] "precursorMz"             "precursorIntensity"     
## [13] "precursorCharge"         "collisionEnergy"        
## [15] "isolationWindowLowerMz"  "isolationWindowTargetMz"
## [17] "isolationWindowUpperMz"  "id"                     
## [19] "name"                    "new_variable"

The full peak data can be extracted with the peaksData function, that returns a list of two-dimensional arrays with the values of the peak variables. Each list element represents the peak data from one spectrum, which is stored in a e.g. matrix with columns being the peak variables and rows the respective values for each peak. The number of rows of such peak variable arrays depends on the number of mass peaks of each spectrum. This number can be extracted using lengths:

#' Get the number of peaks per spectrum.
## [1] 5 7 9

We next extract the peaks’ data of our Spectra and subset that to data from the second spectrum.

#' Extract the peaks matrix of the second spectrum
##          mz intensity
## [1,]  83.10     6.685
## [2,]  96.12     4.381
## [3,]  97.14     3.022
## [4,] 109.14    16.708
## [5,] 124.08   100.000
## [6,] 125.10     4.565
## [7,] 170.16    40.643

Finally, we can also visualize the peak data of a spectrum in the Spectra.

#' Plot the second spectrum.

Such plots could also be created manually from the m/z and intensity values, but built-in functions are in most cases more efficient.

plot(mz(s)[[2]], intensity(s)[[2]], type = "h",
     xlab = "m/z", ylab = "intensity")

Experimental MS data is generally (ideally) stored in files in mzML, mzXML or CDF format. These are open file formats that can be read by most software. In Bioconductor, the mzR package allows to read/write data in/to these formats. Also Spectra allows to represent data from such raw data files. To illustrate this we below create a Spectra object for from two mzML files that are provided in Bioconductor’s msdata package.

#' Import MS data from 2 mzML files.
fls <- dir(system.file("sciex", package = "msdata"), full.names = TRUE)
s2 <- Spectra(fls, source = MsBackendMzR())
## MSn data (Spectra) with 1862 spectra in a MsBackendMzR backend:
##        msLevel     rtime scanIndex
##      <integer> <numeric> <integer>
## 1            1     0.280         1
## 2            1     0.559         2
## 3            1     0.838         3
## 4            1     1.117         4
## 5            1     1.396         5
## ...        ...       ...       ...
## 1858         1   258.636       927
## 1859         1   258.915       928
## 1860         1   259.194       929
## 1861         1   259.473       930
## 1862         1   259.752       931
##  ... 33 more variables/columns.
## file(s):
## 20171016_POOL_POS_1_105-134.mzML
## 20171016_POOL_POS_3_105-134.mzML

We have thus access to the raw experimental MS data through this Spectra object. In contrast to the first example above, we used here the Spectra constructor providing a character vector with the file names and specified source = MsBackendMzR(). This anticipates the concept of backends in the Spectra package: the source parameter of the Spectra call defines the backend to use to import (or represent) the data, which is in our example the MsBackendMzR that enables import of data from mzML files.

Like in our first example, we can again subset the object or access any of its spectra variables. Note however that in this Spectra object we have many more spectra variables available (depending on what is provided by the raw data files).

#' Available spectra variables
##  [1] "msLevel"                  "rtime"                   
##  [3] "acquisitionNum"           "scanIndex"               
##  [5] "dataStorage"              "dataOrigin"              
##  [7] "centroided"               "smoothed"                
##  [9] "polarity"                 "precScanNum"             
## [11] "precursorMz"              "precursorIntensity"      
## [13] "precursorCharge"          "collisionEnergy"         
## [15] "isolationWindowLowerMz"   "isolationWindowTargetMz" 
## [17] "isolationWindowUpperMz"   "peaksCount"              
## [19] "totIonCurrent"            "basePeakMZ"              
## [21] "basePeakIntensity"        "ionisationEnergy"        
## [23] "lowMZ"                    "highMZ"                  
## [25] "mergedScan"               "mergedResultScanNum"     
## [27] "mergedResultStartScanNum" "mergedResultEndScanNum"  
## [29] "injectionTime"            "filterString"            
## [31] "spectrumId"               "ionMobilityDriftTime"    
## [33] "scanWindowLowerLimit"     "scanWindowUpperLimit"
#' Access the MS levels for the first 6 spectra
s2$msLevel |> head()
## [1] 1 1 1 1 1 1

And we can again visualize the data.

#' Plot the 4th spectrum.

Use of different backends with Spectra, why and how?

While both Spectra objects behave the same way, i.e. all data can be accessed in the same fashion, they actually use different backends and thus data representations:

## [1] "MsBackendMemory"
## attr(,"package")
## [1] "Spectra"
## [1] "MsBackendMzR"
## attr(,"package")
## [1] "Spectra"

Our first example Spectra uses a MsBackendMemory backend that, as the name tells, keeps all MS data in memory (within the backend object). In contrast, the second Spectra which represents the experimental MS data from the two mzML files uses the MsBackendMzR backend. This backend loads only general spectra data (variables) into memory while it imports the peak data only on-demand from the original data files when needed/requested (similar to the on-disk mode discussed in (Gatto, Gibb, and Rainer 2020)). The advantage of this offline storage mode is a lower memory footprint that enables also the analysis of large data experiments on standard computers.

Why different backends?

Reason 1: support for additional file formats. The backend class defines the functionality to import/export data from/to specific file formats. The Spectra class stays data storage agnostic and e.g. no import/export routines need to be implemented for that class. Support for additional file formats can be implemented independently of the Spectra package and can be contributed by different developers.


  • MsBackendMgf (defined in MsBackendMgf) adds support for MS files in MGF file format.
  • MsBackendMsp (defined in MsBackendMsp adds support for MSP files.
  • MsBackendRawFileReader (defined in MsBackendRawFileReader) adds support for MS data files in Thermo Fisher Scientific’s raw data file format.

To import data from files of a certain file format, the respective backend able to handle such data needs to be specified with the parameter source in the Spectra constructor call:

#' Import MS data from mzML files
s_mzr <- Spectra(fls, source = MsBackendMzR())

Reason 2: support different implementations to store or represent the data. This includes both where the data is stored or how it is stored. Specialized backends can be defined that are, for example, optimized for high performance or for low memory demand.


  • MsBackendMemory (defined in Spectra): keeps all the MS data in memory and is optimized for a fast and efficient access to the peaks data matrices (i.e., the m/z and intensity values of the spectra).
  • MsBackendMzR (defined in Spectra): keeps only spectra variables in memory and retrieves the peaks data on-the-fly from the original data files upon request. This guarantees a lower memory footprint and enables also analysis of large MS experiments.
  • MsBackendSql (defined in the MsBackendSql package): all MS data is stored in a SQL database. Has minimal memory requirements but any data (whether spectra or peaks variables) need to be retrieved from the database. Depending on the SQL database system used, this backend would also allow remote data access.

To evaluate and illustrate the properties of these different backends we create below Spectra objects for the same data, but using different backends. We use the setBackend function to change the backend for a Spectra object.

#' Change the backend to MsBackendMemory
s_mem <- setBackend(s_mzr, MsBackendMemory())

With the call above we loaded all MS data from the original data files into memory. As a third option we next store the full MS data into a SQL database by using/changing to a MsBackendOfflineSql backend defined by the MsBackendSql package.

For the setBackend call we need to provide the connection information for the database that should contain the data. This includes the database driver (parameter drv, depending on the database system), the database name (parameter dbname) as well as eventual additional connection information like the host, username, port or password. Which of these parameters are required depends on the SQL database used and hence the driver (see also ?dbConnect for more information on the parameters). In our example we will store the data in a SQLite database. We thus set drv = SQLite() and provide with parameter dbname the name of the SQLite database file (that should not yet exist). In addition, importantly, we disable parallel processing with BPPARAM = SerialParam() since most SQL databases don’t support parallel data import.

#' Change the backend to a SQL representation of the data.
s_db <- setBackend(s_mzr, MsBackendOfflineSql(), drv = SQLite(),
                   dbname = "ms_backend_sql_test.sqlite",
                   BPPARAM = SerialParam())

Note: a more efficient way to import MS data from data files into a SQL database is the createMsBackendSqlDatabase from the MsBackendSql package. Also, for larger data sets it is suggested to use more advanced and powerful SQL database systems (e.g. MySQL/MariaDB SQL databases).

We have now 3 Spectra objects representing the same MS data, but using different backends. As a first comparison we evaluate their size in memory:

#' Compare memory footprint.
print(object.size(s_mem), units = "MB")
## 53.2 Mb
print(object.size(s_mzr), units = "MB")
## 0.4 Mb
print(object.size(s_db), units = "MB")
## 0.1 Mb

As expected, the size of the Spectra object with the MsBackendMemory backend is the largest of the three. Since the MsBackendOfflineSql backend keeps only the primary keys of the spectra in memory it’s memory requirements are particularly small and is thus ideal to represent even very large MS experiments.

We next evaluate the performance to extract spectra variables. We compare the time needed to extract the retention times from the 3 Spectra objects using the microbenchmark function. With register(SerialParam()) we globally disable parallel processing for Spectra to ensure the results to be independent that.

#' Compare performance to extract the retention times.
    times = 13
## Unit: microseconds
##          expr      min       lq       mean   median       uq       max neval
##  rtime(s_mem)   12.292   13.395   19.64815   19.877   26.169    31.269    13
##  rtime(s_mzr)  385.288  407.640  451.69762  419.863  445.912   836.380    13
##   rtime(s_db) 6983.250 7037.401 8782.54131 7179.236 7268.913 27920.037    13

Highest performance can be seen for the Spectra object with the MsBackendMemory backend, followed by the Spectra object with the MsBackendMzR backend, while extraction of spectra variables is slowest for the Spectra with the MsBackendOfflineSql. Again, this is expected because the MsBackendOfflineSql needs to retrieve the data from the database while the two other backends keep the retention times of the spectra (along with other general spectra metadata) in memory.

We next also evaluate the performance to extract peaks data, i.e. the individual m/z and intensity values for all spectra in the two files.

#' Compare performance to extract the peaks data.
    times = 7
## Unit: microseconds
##              expr        min          lq        mean     median          uq
##  peaksData(s_mem)    380.319    485.0095    704.9917    780.716    806.9495
##  peaksData(s_mzr) 487238.872 492587.2645 524201.2064 496422.977 500894.0630
##   peaksData(s_db)  89571.778  97788.3475 185583.6216 102420.344 210867.2850
##         max neval
##    1189.989     7
##  698783.941     7
##  489781.964     7

The MsBackendMemory outperforms the two other backends also in this comparison. Both the MsBackendMzR and MsBackendOfflineSql need to import this data, the MsBackendMzR from the original mzML files and the MsBackendOfflineSql from the SQL database (which for the present data is more efficient).

At last we evaluate the performance to subset any of the 3 Spectra objects to 10 random spectra.

#' Compare performance to subset the Spectra.
idx <- sample(seq_along(s_mem), 10)
## Unit: microseconds
##        expr     min       lq     mean  median       uq      max neval
##  s_mem[idx] 230.711 238.1690 246.4851 245.468 251.5495  314.927   100
##  s_mzr[idx] 642.047 664.8100 683.6366 676.962 690.1570 1084.352   100
##   s_db[idx] 133.279 141.9445 163.7531 147.515 153.4465 1633.125   100

Here, the MsBackendOfflineSql has a clear advantage over the two other backends, because it only needs to subset the integer vector of primary keys (the only data it keeps in memory), while the MsBackendMemory needs to subset the full data, and the MsBackendMzR the data frame with the spectra variables.

Performance considerations and tweaks

Keeping all data in memory (e.g. by using a MsBackendMemory) has its obvious performance advantages, but might not be possible for all MS experiments. On-disk backends such as the MsBackendMzR or MsBackendOfflineSql allow, due to their lower memory footprint, to analyze also very large data sets. This is further optimized by the build-in option for most Spectra methods to load and process MS data only in small chunks in contrast to loading and processing the full data as a whole. The performance of the offline backends MsBackendMzR and MsBackendSql/MsBackendOfflineSql depend also on the I/O capabilities of the hard disks containing the data files and, for the latter, in addition on the configuration of the SQL database system used.

Data manipulation and the lazy evaluation queue

Not all data representations might, by design or because of the way the data is handled and stored, allow changing existing or adding new values. The MsBackendMzR backend for example retrieves the peaks data directly from the raw data files and we don’t want any manipulation of m/z or intensity values to be directly written back to these original data files. Also other backends, specifically those that provide access to spectral reference databases (such as the MsBackendMassbankSql from the MsBackendMassbank package or the MsBackendCompDb from the CompoundDb package), are not supposed to allow any changes to the information stored in these databases.

Data manipulations are however an integral part of any data analysis and we thus need for such backends some mechanism that allows changes to data without propagating these to the original data resource. For some backend classes a caching mechanism is implemented that enables adding, changing, or deleting spectra variables. To illustrate this we below add a new spectra variable "new_variable" to each of our 3 Spectra objects.

#' Assign new spectra variables.
s_mem$new_variable <- seq_along(s_mem)
s_mzr$new_variable <- seq_along(s_mem)
s_db$new_variable <- seq_along(s_mem)

A new spectra variable was now added to each of the 3 Spectra objects:

#' Show spectra variables for one of the Spectra
##  [1] "msLevel"                  "rtime"                   
##  [3] "acquisitionNum"           "scanIndex"               
##  [5] "dataStorage"              "dataOrigin"              
##  [7] "centroided"               "smoothed"                
##  [9] "polarity"                 "precScanNum"             
## [11] "precursorMz"              "precursorIntensity"      
## [13] "precursorCharge"          "collisionEnergy"         
## [15] "isolationWindowLowerMz"   "isolationWindowTargetMz" 
## [17] "isolationWindowUpperMz"   "peaksCount"              
## [19] "totIonCurrent"            "basePeakMZ"              
## [21] "basePeakIntensity"        "ionisationEnergy"        
## [23] "lowMZ"                    "highMZ"                  
## [25] "mergedScan"               "mergedResultScanNum"     
## [27] "mergedResultStartScanNum" "mergedResultEndScanNum"  
## [29] "injectionTime"            "filterString"            
## [31] "spectrumId"               "ionMobilityDriftTime"    
## [33] "scanWindowLowerLimit"     "scanWindowUpperLimit"    
## [35] "new_variable"

The MsBackendMemory stores all spectra variables in a data.frame within the object. The new spectra variable was thus simply added as a new column to this data.frame.

Warning: NEVER access or manipulate any of the slots of a backend class directly like below as this can easily result in data corruption.

#' Direct access to the backend's data.
s_mem@backend@spectraData |> head()
##   msLevel rtime acquisitionNum scanIndex dataStorage
## 1       1 0.280              1         1    <memory>
## 2       1 0.559              2         2    <memory>
## 3       1 0.838              3         3    <memory>
## 4       1 1.117              4         4    <memory>
## 5       1 1.396              5         5    <memory>
## 6       1 1.675              6         6    <memory>
##                                                                    dataOrigin
## 1 /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/msdata/sciex/20171016_POOL_POS_1_105-134.mzML
## 2 /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/msdata/sciex/20171016_POOL_POS_1_105-134.mzML
## 3 /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/msdata/sciex/20171016_POOL_POS_1_105-134.mzML
## 4 /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/msdata/sciex/20171016_POOL_POS_1_105-134.mzML
## 5 /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/msdata/sciex/20171016_POOL_POS_1_105-134.mzML
## 6 /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/msdata/sciex/20171016_POOL_POS_1_105-134.mzML
##   centroided smoothed polarity precScanNum precursorMz precursorIntensity
## 1      FALSE       NA        1          NA          NA                 NA
## 2      FALSE       NA        1          NA          NA                 NA
## 3      FALSE       NA        1          NA          NA                 NA
## 4      FALSE       NA        1          NA          NA                 NA
## 5      FALSE       NA        1          NA          NA                 NA
## 6      FALSE       NA        1          NA          NA                 NA
##   precursorCharge collisionEnergy isolationWindowLowerMz
## 1              NA              NA                     NA
## 2              NA              NA                     NA
## 3              NA              NA                     NA
## 4              NA              NA                     NA
## 5              NA              NA                     NA
## 6              NA              NA                     NA
##   isolationWindowTargetMz isolationWindowUpperMz peaksCount totIonCurrent
## 1                      NA                     NA        578        898185
## 2                      NA                     NA       1529       1037012
## 3                      NA                     NA       1600       1094971
## 4                      NA                     NA       1664       1135015
## 5                      NA                     NA       1417       1106233
## 6                      NA                     NA       1602       1181489
##   basePeakMZ basePeakIntensity ionisationEnergy    lowMZ   highMZ mergedScan
## 1   124.0860            154089                0 105.0435 133.9837         NA
## 2   124.0859            182690                0 105.0275 133.9836         NA
## 3   124.0859            196650                0 105.0376 133.9902         NA
## 4   124.0859            203502                0 105.0376 133.9853         NA
## 5   124.0859            191715                0 105.0347 133.9885         NA
## 6   124.0859            213400                0 105.0420 133.9836         NA
##   mergedResultScanNum mergedResultStartScanNum mergedResultEndScanNum
## 1                  NA                       NA                     NA
## 2                  NA                       NA                     NA
## 3                  NA                       NA                     NA
## 4                  NA                       NA                     NA
## 5                  NA                       NA                     NA
## 6                  NA                       NA                     NA
##   injectionTime filterString                             spectrumId
## 1             0         <NA> sample=1 period=1 cycle=1 experiment=1
## 2             0         <NA> sample=1 period=1 cycle=2 experiment=1
## 3             0         <NA> sample=1 period=1 cycle=3 experiment=1
## 4             0         <NA> sample=1 period=1 cycle=4 experiment=1
## 5             0         <NA> sample=1 period=1 cycle=5 experiment=1
## 6             0         <NA> sample=1 period=1 cycle=6 experiment=1
##   ionMobilityDriftTime scanWindowLowerLimit scanWindowUpperLimit new_variable
## 1                   NA                   NA                   NA            1
## 2                   NA                   NA                   NA            2
## 3                   NA                   NA                   NA            3
## 4                   NA                   NA                   NA            4
## 5                   NA                   NA                   NA            5
## 6                   NA                   NA                   NA            6

Similarly, also the MsBackendMzR stores data for spectra variables (but not peaks variables!) within a DataFrame inside the object. Adding a new spectra variable thus also added a new column to this DataFrame. Note: the use of a DataFrame instead of a data.frame in MsBackendMzR explains most of the performance differences to subset or access spectra variables we’ve seen between this backend and the MsBackendMemory above.

## DataFrame with 1862 rows and 26 columns
##      scanIndex acquisitionNum   msLevel  polarity peaksCount totIonCurrent
##      <integer>      <integer> <integer> <integer>  <integer>     <numeric>
## 1            1              1         1         1        578        898185
## 2            2              2         1         1       1529       1037012
## 3            3              3         1         1       1600       1094971
## 4            4              4         1         1       1664       1135015
## 5            5              5         1         1       1417       1106233
## ...        ...            ...       ...       ...        ...           ...
## 1858       927            927         1         1       3528        418159
## 1859       928            928         1         1       3662        429930
## 1860       929            929         1         1       3442        413427
## 1861       930            930         1         1       3564        447033
## 1862       931            931         1         1       3517        441025
##          rtime basePeakMZ basePeakIntensity ionisationEnergy     lowMZ
##      <numeric>  <numeric>         <numeric>        <numeric> <numeric>
## 1        0.280    124.086            154089                0   105.043
## 2        0.559    124.086            182690                0   105.028
## 3        0.838    124.086            196650                0   105.038
## 4        1.117    124.086            203502                0   105.038
## 5        1.396    124.086            191715                0   105.035
## ...        ...        ...               ...              ...       ...
## 1858   258.636    123.090             28544                0   105.008
## 1859   258.915    123.090             29164                0   105.009
## 1860   259.194    123.090             28724                0   105.010
## 1861   259.473    123.091             28743                0   105.012
## 1862   259.752    123.091             27503                0   105.012
##         highMZ mergedScan mergedResultScanNum mergedResultStartScanNum
##      <numeric>  <integer>           <integer>                <integer>
## 1      133.984         NA                  NA                       NA
## 2      133.984         NA                  NA                       NA
## 3      133.990         NA                  NA                       NA
## 4      133.985         NA                  NA                       NA
## 5      133.989         NA                  NA                       NA
## ...        ...        ...                 ...                      ...
## 1858   134.000         NA                  NA                       NA
## 1859   134.000         NA                  NA                       NA
## 1860   134.000         NA                  NA                       NA
## 1861   133.998         NA                  NA                       NA
## 1862   133.997         NA                  NA                       NA
##      mergedResultEndScanNum injectionTime filterString             spectrumId
##                   <integer>     <numeric>  <character>            <character>
## 1                        NA             0           NA sample=1 period=1 cy..
## 2                        NA             0           NA sample=1 period=1 cy..
## 3                        NA             0           NA sample=1 period=1 cy..
## 4                        NA             0           NA sample=1 period=1 cy..
## 5                        NA             0           NA sample=1 period=1 cy..
## ...                     ...           ...          ...                    ...
## 1858                     NA             0           NA sample=1 period=1 cy..
## 1859                     NA             0           NA sample=1 period=1 cy..
## 1860                     NA             0           NA sample=1 period=1 cy..
## 1861                     NA             0           NA sample=1 period=1 cy..
## 1862                     NA             0           NA sample=1 period=1 cy..
##      centroided ionMobilityDriftTime scanWindowLowerLimit scanWindowUpperLimit
##       <logical>            <numeric>            <numeric>            <numeric>
## 1         FALSE                   NA                   NA                   NA
## 2         FALSE                   NA                   NA                   NA
## 3         FALSE                   NA                   NA                   NA
## 4         FALSE                   NA                   NA                   NA
## 5         FALSE                   NA                   NA                   NA
## ...         ...                  ...                  ...                  ...
## 1858      FALSE                   NA                   NA                   NA
## 1859      FALSE                   NA                   NA                   NA
## 1860      FALSE                   NA                   NA                   NA
## 1861      FALSE                   NA                   NA                   NA
## 1862      FALSE                   NA                   NA                   NA
##                 dataStorage             dataOrigin new_variable
##                 <character>            <character>    <integer>
## 1    /usr/local/lib/R/sit.. /usr/local/lib/R/sit..            1
## 2    /usr/local/lib/R/sit.. /usr/local/lib/R/sit..            2
## 3    /usr/local/lib/R/sit.. /usr/local/lib/R/sit..            3
## 4    /usr/local/lib/R/sit.. /usr/local/lib/R/sit..            4
## 5    /usr/local/lib/R/sit.. /usr/local/lib/R/sit..            5
## ...                     ...                    ...          ...
## 1858 /usr/local/lib/R/sit.. /usr/local/lib/R/sit..         1858
## 1859 /usr/local/lib/R/sit.. /usr/local/lib/R/sit..         1859
## 1860 /usr/local/lib/R/sit.. /usr/local/lib/R/sit..         1860
## 1861 /usr/local/lib/R/sit.. /usr/local/lib/R/sit..         1861
## 1862 /usr/local/lib/R/sit.. /usr/local/lib/R/sit..         1862

The MsBackendOfflineSql implements the support for changes to spectra variables differently: the object contains a vector with the available database column names and in addition an (initially empty) data.frame to cache changes to spectra variables. If a spectra variable is deleted, only the respective column name is removed from the character vector with available column names. If a new spectra variable is added (like in the example above) or if values of an existing spectra variable are changed, this spectra variable, respectively its values, are stored (as a new column) in the caching data frame:

s_db@backend@localData |> head()
##   new_variable
## 1            1
## 2            2
## 3            3
## 4            4
## 5            5
## 6            6

Actually, why do we not want to change the data directly in the database? It should be fairly simple to add a new column to the database table or change the values in that. There are actually two reasons to not do that: firstly we don’t want to change the raw data that might be stored in the database (e.g. if the database contains reference MS2 spectra, such as in the case of a Spectra with MassBank data) and secondly, we want to avoid the following situation: imagine we create a copy of our s_db variable and change the retention times in that variable:

#' Change values in a copy of the variable
s_db2 <- s_db
rtime(s_db2) <- rtime(s_db2) + 10

Writing these changes back to the database would also change the retention time values in the original s_db variable and that is for obvious reasons not desired.

#' Retention times of original copy should NOT change
rtime(s_db) |> head()
## [1] 0.280 0.559 0.838 1.117 1.396 1.675
rtime(s_db2) |> head()
## [1] 10.280 10.559 10.838 11.117 11.396 11.675

Note that this can also be used for MsBackendOfflineSql backends to cache spectra variables in memory for faster access.

s_db2 <- s_db

#' Cache an existing spectra variable in memory
s_db2$rtime <- rtime(s_db2)

    times = 17
## Unit: milliseconds
##          expr      min       lq     mean   median       uq      max neval
##   rtime(s_db) 6.867144 6.935762 7.046637 6.957643 7.034997 8.032556    17
##  rtime(s_db2) 2.967924 3.004833 3.158521 3.054445 3.088198 4.590840    17

Note: the MsBackendCached class from the Spectra package provides the internal data.frame-based caching mechanism described above. The MsBackendOfflineSql class directly extends this backend and hence inherits this mechanism and only database-specific additional functionality needed to be implemented. Thus, any MsBackend implementation extending the MsBackendCached base class automatically inherit this caching mechanism and do not need to implement their own. Examples of backends extending MsBackendCached are, among others, MsBackendSql, MsBackendOfflineSql, and MsBackendMassbankSql.

Analysis of MS data requires, in addition to changing or adding spectra variables also the possibility to manipulate the peaks’ data (i.e. the m/z and intensity values of the individual mass peaks of the spectra). As a simple example we remove below all mass peaks with an intensity below 100 from the data set and compare the number of peaks per spectra before and after that operation.

#' Remove all peaks with an intensity below 100
s_mem <- filterIntensity(s_mem, intensity = 100)

#' Compare the number of peaks before/after
boxplot(list(before = lengths(s_mzr), after = lengths(s_mem)),
        ylab = "number of peaks")

This operation did reduce the number of peaks considerably. We repeat this operation now also for the two other backends.

#' Repeast filtering for the two other Spectra objects.
s_mzr <- filterIntensity(s_mzr, intensity = 100)
s_db <- filterIntensity(s_db, intensity = 100)

The number of peaks were also reduced for these two backends although they do not keep the peak data in memory and, as discussed before, we do not allow changes to the data file (or the database) containing the original data.

#' Evaluate that subsetting worked for all.
## [1] 433
## [1] 433
## [1] 433

The caching mechanisms described above work well for spectra variables because of their (generally) limited and manageable sizes. MS peaks data (m/z and intensity values of the individual peaks of MS spectra) however represent much larger data volumes preventing to cache and store changes to these directly in-memory, especially for data from large experiments or high resolution instruments.

For that reason, instead of caching changes to the values within the object, we cache the actual data manipulation operation(s). The function to modify peaks data, along with all of its parameters, is automatically added to an internal lazy processing queue within the Spectra object for each call to one of the Spectra’s (peaks) data manipulation functions. This mechanism is implemented directly for the Spectra class and backends thus do not have to implement their own.

When calling filterIntensity above, the data was actually not modified, but the function to filter the peaks data was added to this processig queue. The function along with all possibly defined parameters was added as a ProcessingStep object:

#' Show the processing queue.
## [[1]]
## Object of class "ProcessingStep"
##  Function: user-provided function
##  Arguments:
##   o intensity = 100Inf
##   o msLevel = 1

Again, it is not advisable to directly access any of the internal slots of a Spectra object! The function could be accessed with:

#' Access a processing step's function
## function (x, spectrumMsLevel, intensity = c(0, Inf), msLevel = spectrumMsLevel, 
##     ...) 
## {
##     if (!spectrumMsLevel %in% msLevel || !length(x)) 
##         return(x)
##     x[which(between(x[, "intensity"], intensity)), , drop = FALSE]
## }
## <bytecode: 0x55a2b582b590>
## <environment: namespace:Spectra>

and all of its parameters with:

#' Access the parameters for that function
## $intensity
## [1] 100 Inf
## $msLevel
## [1] 1

Each time peaks data is accessed (like with the intensity call in the example below), the Spectra object will first request the raw peaks data from the backend, check its own processing queue and, if that is not empty, apply each of the contained cached processing steps to the peaks data before returning it to the user.

#' Access intensity values and extract those of the 1st spectrum.
##   [1]    412    412    412    412    412    412    412    412    412   1237
##  [11]    412    412    412    412    412    412    412    412    412    412
##  [21]    412    412    824    412    412    412    412    412    412    412
##  [31]    412    412    412    412    412    412   1237    412    412    412
##  [41]    412    412    412    412    412    412    412    412    412    412
##  [51]    824    412    412    412    412    412    412    412    824   1649
##  [61]   2061   1237    412    412    412    412    412    412   2061   7008
##  [71]  17727  22674  23910  12780   6184   3710   2061   1237    412    412
##  [81]    412   1662    412   1258    861    854    845    873    842    412
##  [91]    860   1307    882    442  12347  55349 132662 154089 115667  76817
## [101]  41233  26904  11577   6155   2650   3966    872    461    461    433
## [111]    412    442    430    461    412    412    412    412    412    426
## [121]    449    412    412    824    412    412    433    412    412    412
## [131]    412    412   1684    412    412    412   1649   1649   2061   1649
## [141]   4947   6184   9482  10718   5359   2886   1649   1649   1237    412
## [151]    412    412    412    412    412    412    412    412    412    412
## [161]    412    412    412    412    412    412    412    412    412    412
## [171]    412    412    412    412    412    412    412    412    412    412
## [181]    412    412    412    412    412    412    412    412    412    412
## [191]    412    412    412    412    824    412    412    412    412    412
## [201]    412    412    412    412    412    412    412    824    412    412
## [211]    412    412    412    412    412    412    412    412    412    412
## [221]    412    824    824   1237   1649    824    412    412    412    412
## [231]    824    412    824   1237    412    412    412    412    412    412
## [241]    412    412    412    412    412    412    412

As a nice side effect, if only a subset of the data is accessed, the data manipulations need only to be applied to the requested data subset, and not the full data. This can have a positive impact on overall performance:

#' Compare applying the processing queue to either 10 spectra or the
#' full set of spectra.
    times = 7)
## Unit: milliseconds
##                    expr       min        lq       mean     median         uq
##  intensity(s_mem[1:10])  3.542345  3.699177   3.906552   3.882108   3.977156
##  intensity(s_mem)[1:10] 99.563948 99.721442 103.931024 100.194454 108.821023
##         max neval
##    4.568749     7
##  110.673833     7

Next to the number of common peaks data manipulation methods that are already implemented for Spectra, and that all make use of this processing queue, there is also the addProcessing function that allows to apply any user-provided function to the peaks data (using the same lazy evaluation mechanism). As a simple example we define below a function that scales all intensities in a spectrum such that the total intensity sum per spectrum is 1. Functions for addProcessing are expected to take a peaks array as input and should again return a peaks array as their result. Note also that the ... in the function definition below is required, because internally additional parameters, such as the spectrum’s MS level, are by default passed along to the function (see also the addProcessing documentation entry in ?Spectra for more information and more advanced examples).

#' Define a function that scales intensities
scale_sum <- function(x, ...) {
    x[, "intensity"] <- x[, "intensity"] / sum(x[, "intensity"], na.rm = TRUE)

#' Add this function to the processing queue
s_mem <- addProcessing(s_mem, scale_sum)
s_mzr <- addProcessing(s_mzr, scale_sum)
s_db <- addProcessing(s_db, scale_sum)

As a validation we calculate the sum of intensities for the first 6 spectra.

sum(intensity(s_mem)) |> head()
## [1] 1 1 1 1 1 1
sum(intensity(s_mzr)) |> head()
## [1] 1 1 1 1 1 1
sum(intensity(s_db)) |> head()
## [1] 1 1 1 1 1 1

All intensities were thus scaled to a total intensity sum per spectra of 1. Note that, while this is a common operation for MS2 data (fragment spectra), such a scaling function should generally not be used for (quantitative) MS1 data (as in our example here).

Finally, since through this lazy evaluation mechanism we are not changing actual peaks data, we can also undo data manipulations. A simple reset call on a Spectra object will restore the data in the object to its initial state (in fact it simply clears the processing queue).

#' Restore the Spectra object to its initial state.
s_db <- reset(s_db)
## [1] 1547
sum(intensity(s_db)) |> head()
## [1]  898185 1037012 1094971 1135015 1106233 1181489

Along with potential chaching mechanisms for spectra variables, this implementation of a lazy-evaluation queue allows to apply also data manipulations to MS data from data resources that would be inherently read-only (such as reference libraries of fragment spectra) and thus enable the analysis of MS data independently of where and how the data is stored.

Implementing your own MsBackend

  • New backends for Spectra should extend the MsBackend class and implement the methods defined by its infrastructure.

  • Extending other classes, such as the MsBackendMemory or MsBackendCached can help reducing the number of methods or concepts needed to implement.

  • A detailed example and description is provided in the Creating new MsBackend classes vignette - otherwise: open an issue on the Spectra github repo.

  • Add the following code to your testthat.R file to ensure compliance with the MsBackend definition:

    test_suite <- system.file("test_backends", "test_MsBackend",
                            package = "Spectra")
    #' Assign an instance of the developed `MsBackend` to variable `be`.
    be <- my_be
    test_dir(test_suite, stop_on_failure = TRUE)

Final words

  • The Spectra package provides a powerful infrastructure to handle and process MS data in R:
    • designed to support very large data sets.
    • easily extendable.
    • support for a variety of MS data file formats and data representations.
    • caching mechanism and processing queue allow data analysis also of read-only data resources.


Thank you to Philippine Louail for fixing typos and suggesting improvements.


Gatto, Laurent, Sebastian Gibb, and Johannes Rainer. 2020. MSnbase, Efficient and Elegant R-Based Processing and Visualization of Raw Mass Spectrometry Data.” Journal of Proteome Research, September.