Map positions along the genome to positions within the protein sequence if a protein is encoded at the location. The provided coordinates have to be completely within the genomic position of an exon of a protein coding transcript (see genomeToTranscript() for details). Also, the provided positions have to be within the genomic region encoding the CDS of a transcript (excluding its stop codon; soo transcriptToProtein() for details).

For genomic positions for which the mapping failed an IRanges with negative coordinates (i.e. a start position of -1) is returned.

genomeToProtein(x, db)



GRanges with the genomic coordinates that should be mapped to within-protein coordinates.


EnsDb object.


An IRangesList with each element representing the mapping of one of the GRanges in x (i.e. the length of the IRangesList is length(x)). Each element in IRanges provides the coordinates within the protein sequence, names being the (Ensembl) IDs of the protein. The ID of the transcript encoding the protein, the ID of the exon within which the genomic coordinates are located and its rank in the transcript are provided in metadata columns "tx_id", "exon_id" and "exon_rank". Metadata columns "cds_ok" indicates whether the length of the CDS matches the length of the encoded protein. Coordinates for which cds_ok = FALSE should be taken with caution, as they might not be correct. Metadata columns "seq_start", "seq_end", "seq_name" and "seq_strand" provide the provided genomic coordinates.

For genomic coordinates that can not be mapped to within-protein sequences an IRanges with a start coordinate of -1 is returned.


genomeToProtein combines calls to genomeToTranscript() and transcriptToProtein().


Johannes Rainer


## Restrict all further queries to chromosome x to speed up the examples
edbx <- filter(EnsDb.Hsapiens.v86, filter = ~ seq_name == "X")

## In the example below we define 4 genomic regions:
## 630898: corresponds to the first nt of the CDS of ENST00000381578
## 644636: last nt of the CDS of ENST00000381578
## 644633: last nt before the stop codon in ENST00000381578
## 634829: position within an intron.
gnm <- GRanges("X", IRanges(start = c(630898, 644636, 644633, 634829),
    width = c(5, 1, 1, 3)))
res <- genomeToProtein(gnm, edbx)
#> Warning: 1 genomic region(s) could not be mapped to a transcript; hint: see ?seqlevelsStyle if you used UCSC chromosome names
#> Warning: Transcript(s) '' could not be found
#> Warning: Provided coordinates for 'ENST00000381578', 'ENST00000554971' are not within the coding region

## The result is an IRangesList with the same length as gnm
#> [1] 4
#> [1] 4

## The first element represents the mapping for the first GRanges:
## the coordinate is mapped to the first amino acid of the protein(s).
## The genomic coordinates can be mapped to several transcripts (and hence
## proteins).
#> IRanges object with 4 ranges and 8 metadata columns:
#>                       start       end     width |           tx_id    cds_ok
#>                   <integer> <integer> <integer> |     <character> <logical>
#>   ENSP00000335505         1         2         2 | ENST00000334060      TRUE
#>   ENSP00000370987         1         2         2 | ENST00000381575      TRUE
#>   ENSP00000370990         1         2         2 | ENST00000381578      TRUE
#>   ENSP00000452016         1         2         2 | ENST00000554971      TRUE
#>                           exon_id exon_rank seq_start   seq_end    seq_name
#>                       <character> <integer> <integer> <integer> <character>
#>   ENSP00000335505 ENSE00001489177         2    630898    630902           X
#>   ENSP00000370987 ENSE00001489169         1    630898    630902           X
#>   ENSP00000370990 ENSE00001489177         2    630898    630902           X
#>   ENSP00000452016 ENSE00001489169         1    630898    630902           X
#>                    seq_strand
#>                   <character>
#>   ENSP00000335505           *
#>   ENSP00000370987           *
#>   ENSP00000370990           *
#>   ENSP00000452016           *

## The stop codon is not translated, thus the mapping for the second
## GRanges fails
#> IRanges object with 2 ranges and 8 metadata columns:
#>        start       end     width |           tx_id    cds_ok         exon_id
#>    <integer> <integer> <integer> |     <character> <logical>     <character>
#>           -1        -1         1 | ENST00000381578      <NA> ENSE00001489174
#>           -1        -1         1 | ENST00000554971      <NA> ENSE00002438186
#>    exon_rank seq_start   seq_end    seq_name  seq_strand
#>    <integer> <integer> <integer> <character> <character>
#>            6    644636    644636           X           *
#>            5    644636    644636           X           *

## The 3rd GRanges is mapped to the last amino acid.
#> IRanges object with 2 ranges and 8 metadata columns:
#>                       start       end     width |           tx_id    cds_ok
#>                   <integer> <integer> <integer> |     <character> <logical>
#>   ENSP00000370990       292       292         1 | ENST00000381578      TRUE
#>   ENSP00000452016       292       292         1 | ENST00000554971      TRUE
#>                           exon_id exon_rank seq_start   seq_end    seq_name
#>                       <character> <integer> <integer> <integer> <character>
#>   ENSP00000370990 ENSE00001489174         6    644633    644633           X
#>   ENSP00000452016 ENSE00002438186         5    644633    644633           X
#>                    seq_strand
#>                   <character>
#>   ENSP00000370990           *
#>   ENSP00000452016           *

## Mapping of intronic positions fail
#> IRanges object with 1 range and 8 metadata columns:
#>        start       end     width |       tx_id    cds_ok     exon_id exon_rank
#>    <integer> <integer> <integer> | <character> <logical> <character> <integer>
#>           -1        -1         1 |                  <NA>        <NA>      <NA>
#>    seq_start   seq_end    seq_name  seq_strand
#>    <integer> <integer> <character> <character>
#>       634829    634831           X           *