These methods allow to set, delete or show globally defined filters on an EnsDb object.

addFilter: adds an annotation filter to the EnsDb object.

dropFilter deletes all globally set filters from the EnsDb object.

activeFilter returns the globally set filter from an EnsDb object.

filter filters an EnsDb object. filter is an alias for the addFilter function.

# S4 method for EnsDb
addFilter(x, filter = AnnotationFilterList())

# S4 method for EnsDb

# S4 method for EnsDb

filter(x, filter = AnnotationFilterList())



The EnsDb object to which the filter should be added.


The filter as an AnnotationFilter, AnnotationFilterList or filter expression. See


addFilter and filter return an EnsDb object with the specified filter added.

activeFilter returns an

AnnotationFilterList object being the active global filter or NA if no filter was added.

dropFilter returns an EnsDb object with all eventually present global filters removed.


Adding a filter to an EnsDb object causes this filter to be permanently active. The filter will be used for all queries to the database and is added to all additional filters passed to the methods such as genes.

See also

Filter-classes for a list of all supported filters.


Johannes Rainer


edb <- EnsDb.Hsapiens.v86

## Add a global SeqNameFilter to the database such that all subsequent
## queries will be applied on the filtered database.
edb_y <- addFilter(edb, SeqNameFilter("Y"))

## Note: using the filter function is equivalent to a call to addFilter.

## Each call returns now only features encoded on chromosome Y
gns <- genes(edb_y)

#> [1] "Y"

## Get all lincRNA gene transcripts on chromosome Y
transcripts(edb_y, filter = ~ gene_biotype == "lincRNA")
#> GRanges object with 73 ranges and 7 metadata columns:
#>                   seqnames            ranges strand |           tx_id
#>                      <Rle>         <IRanges>  <Rle> |     <character>
#>   ENST00000611750        Y   2934406-2934771      - | ENST00000611750
#>   ENST00000444263        Y   3002912-3097217      + | ENST00000444263
#>   ENST00000425031        Y   3002998-3102272      + | ENST00000425031
#>   ENST00000426699        Y   4036497-4100320      + | ENST00000426699
#>   ENST00000622595        Y   4993858-4997719      - | ENST00000622595
#>               ...      ...               ...    ... .             ...
#>   ENST00000421387        Y 25183643-25184773      - | ENST00000421387
#>   ENST00000427373        Y 25378300-25394719      - | ENST00000427373
#>   ENST00000611754        Y 25378671-25391610      - | ENST00000611754
#>   ENST00000306641        Y 25482908-25486705      + | ENST00000306641
#>   ENST00000417334        Y 25728490-25733388      + | ENST00000417334
#>                    tx_biotype tx_cds_seq_start tx_cds_seq_end         gene_id
#>                   <character>        <integer>      <integer>     <character>
#>   ENST00000611750     lincRNA             <NA>           <NA> ENSG00000278847
#>   ENST00000444263     lincRNA             <NA>           <NA> ENSG00000231535
#>   ENST00000425031     lincRNA             <NA>           <NA> ENSG00000231535
#>   ENST00000426699     lincRNA             <NA>           <NA> ENSG00000229308
#>   ENST00000622595     lincRNA             <NA>           <NA> ENSG00000277930
#>               ...         ...              ...            ...             ...
#>   ENST00000421387     lincRNA             <NA>           <NA> ENSG00000223641
#>   ENST00000427373     lincRNA             <NA>           <NA> ENSG00000228786
#>   ENST00000611754     lincRNA             <NA>           <NA> ENSG00000228786
#>   ENST00000306641     lincRNA             <NA>           <NA> ENSG00000240450
#>   ENST00000417334     lincRNA             <NA>           <NA> ENSG00000231141
#>                           tx_name gene_biotype
#>                       <character>  <character>
#>   ENST00000611750 ENST00000611750      lincRNA
#>   ENST00000444263 ENST00000444263      lincRNA
#>   ENST00000425031 ENST00000425031      lincRNA
#>   ENST00000426699 ENST00000426699      lincRNA
#>   ENST00000622595 ENST00000622595      lincRNA
#>               ...             ...          ...
#>   ENST00000421387 ENST00000421387      lincRNA
#>   ENST00000427373 ENST00000427373      lincRNA
#>   ENST00000611754 ENST00000611754      lincRNA
#>   ENST00000306641 ENST00000306641      lincRNA
#>   ENST00000417334 ENST00000417334      lincRNA
#>   -------
#>   seqinfo: 1 sequence from GRCh38 genome

## Get the currently active global filter:
#> AnnotationFilterList of length 1 
#> seq_name == 'Y'

## Delete this filter again.
edb_y <- dropFilter(edb_y)

#> [1] NA